"We’re dedicated to rebuilding a Palisades still rooted in family values and a strong sense of community
Our mission is simple: restore what makes this place special—its people—and get them home, no matter what it takes"
Core Initiatives
Balanced Rebuilding: Accelerate rebuilding efforts to bring displaced residents and businesses back quickly, while ensuring thoughtful, community-oriented planning
Unified Vision: Establish a consistent, shared vision for “Palisades 2.0” to align the efforts of various groups, organizations, and stakeholders.
Underfunded Residents and Businesses: Explore non-profits, grants, and other funding mechanisms to assist those who are under-insured or lack the resources to rebuild on their own.
Architectural Aesthetic: Enhance the architectural charm and coastal, communal vibe that defines the Palisades. Seize this opportunity to create some of the greatest coastal walking streets in the world.
Affordability and Accessibility: Make an effort to ensure updated building codes, land use policies, and retail development do not price out long-time residents or young families. The Palisades is a family neighborhood first and foremost.